1. Topic: free topic but must be related to the course topics, relevant, very na
1. Topic: free topic but must be related to the course topics, relevant, very narrow!
2. Thesis: clear statement of argument at the outset (ideally in the introduction), novelty!
3. Research: breadth and depth of research focusing on argument.
4. Analysis: critical, interdisciplinary, depth, focus on argument, logic, balance
5. Originality: insightful and thought-provoking.
6. Evidence: primarily scholarly references to support claims; avoid quotations, instead paraphrase authors’ ideas using your own words and citing source.
7. Readings: a minimum of 5 readings from the Fall kit (for the Fall essay) must be cited. References to course readings do not necessarily have to be central to argument. In part, this requirement is to confirm whether students are familiar with the course materials and class discussions. Outside readings welcome (maximum of 5).
8. Organization: clear structure throughout paper i.e. introduction, development of argument by articulating the key claims with supportive references, conclusion
9. Style: clarity, flow, avoid long sentences and paragraphs, correct citation format (any but be consistent e.g. APA[1], McGill or the like) and grammar.
10. Length: maximum 5 double-spaced pages. Do not waste space and time describing the topic without developing your argument or discussing issues that are not central to the argument of your paper.
[1] Students can find examples of APA citation format on the internet. See e.g. http://www.lesley.edu/library/guides/citation/apa.html