3 Surrealistic digital collages using images sourced from the Internet and orig
3 Surrealistic digital collages using images sourced from the Internet and original images.
5 Artboards for this assignment.
Open a PS document and place 5, 8″ X 10″ Artboards in the document. Make the Artboards vertical.
Artboard 1 – Add the found and original photos you’ll composite onto Artboard 1. Think of this as a contact sheet. Type out or handwrite your annotations like we did in the previous assignments on Artboard 1. It is important that you ONLY USE PHOTOGRAPHIC IMAGES for this project. DO NOT down artwork, digital paintings, video game clips, etc.
NOTE: You will converting all the images into a black/white image. Therefore the color of the images doesn’t really matter, but the value does. Some bright colors, like red, stand out from the page when they are colored, but red actually has a very dark value. Be thoughtful of this when collecting images.
Artboard 2 – copy all of the images onto Artboard 2 in the same order as Artboard 1. Then using either Image > Adjustment or Layer Adjustments, convert the image to a black and white image. I prefer to use Layer Adjustment for each layer so that it can be changed later. But, sometimes it is ok to use an Image > Adjustment (just remember this is a destructive method and you can’t change it later in the editing process).
high-resolution, royalty-free images: pexels.com + pixabay.com + Vecteezy+ Unsplash+ kaboompics
Step Two:
Artboard 3 – “Set the stage.” Begin this project by creating 3 landscapes that will be used as the “stage” for the narrative of your artwork. Begin to compose each of your Surrealistic collages on Artboard 4, 5, 6. Make sure to adjust them to black and white. Use Level Adjustment Layers to manipulate the value on each of the layers. Make some On Artboard 3, you will place a small version of each of your landscapes. Placing your 3 background on Artboard 3 is like taking a “screenshot of your process.” It’s a kind of rough draft. Below, you can see the rough drafts of the landscapes I created. Artboard 3 has all 3 backgrounds I’m making. Artboard 4 can be seen on the right side. This shows my progress so far without the other objects I plan to add to the scene. like this:
You should create 3 images (Artboard 4, 5, and 6).
Some Tools to Play With: Experiment with Content Aware Fill and Generative Fill in Photoshop. These Ai Tools built into the PS interface can really transform an image! 2. Load your image into Adobe Firefly and see what you can add to it, how to transform it… Amazing and fun tool.Remember, you are trying to create photorealistic images. No painting or cartoon or graphic design at this time.
What to turn in?
When you have completed the 3 digital collages, first please save the work as a Photoshop file so you can work on it for another assignment. Don’t flatten the images!
Export all Artboards as jpg files. Go To, File > Export > Artboards to Files, select jpg and then hit export. This should make 5 separate files. Submit all of these files.
Remember this slide from earlier this week that defines some of the defining characteristics of Surrealism? Please review them below, then write a response to the questions listed below in a Text Entry. Please do not attach a document with your responses. Instead, make sure to submit a Text Entry in Canvas. A Text Entry allows the viewer to read your statement while viewing your artwork.
. Write and Artist Statement about the work. Answer the questions below.What is the concept behind the collection? What emotional take aways do you hope the viewer experiences with your work.
Please select 2 of the criteria listed above that you have attempted to address in your collage. Please list the criteria and then describe the specific imagery and editing techniques you’ve used to address the concept.
What is one thing about the work that you were really successful at? What is one area of growth you’d like to address in the work?