Value Chain Management Enablers In this Course Outcome 4, GB570-4, assignment

Value Chain Management Enablers
In this Course Outcome 4, GB570-4, assignment

Value Chain Management Enablers
In this Course Outcome 4, GB570-4, assignment spanning Units 9 and 10, you will continue to assume your role as a regional director in your chosen organization. You will develop a comprehensive tutorial that evaluates the key enablers of effective value chain management. There is no better way to learn than to teach! This tutorial is intended to serve as a practical guide for the executive team of your chosen organization, conveying what enablers are, how they work within the value chain, and what the organization needs to do to enable and optimize the value chain based on the insights you learned from Chapters 4 and 5 in the textbook.
Peer Review:
On the Unit 10 Discussion Board, post an outline of your Course Outcome 4 deliverable.

Include an overview of the type of deliverable you are choosing to develop.
Explain why you chose this type of deliverable and the thematic elements you are using to develop the deliverable.
Include an outline of the topics you will be covering in your deliverable.
Outline the research resources you will be using to develop your deliverable.

On the last day of Unit 9, post your outline on the Unit 10 Discussion Board for peer review.
Engage actively with peers to provide and receive feedback, focusing on the depth of analysis and the application of value chain management principles.
Develop a detailed tutorial that outlines your insights and evaluation of the enablers of the value chain. Choose one of the following formats for your deliverable:

Narrated PowerPoint Presentation: Utilizes slides that incorporate diagrams, charts, and graphs, accompanied by a voiceover, to explain how to optimize the value chain dynamically and visually. Notes containing extensive academic research and an explanation of each slide included. Your PowerPoint presentation should include headings on each slide, a professional design, APA 7th edition in-text citations where appropriate, a title and reference slide.

Research Report With Diagrams: A detailed report in APA 7th edition format incorporating diagrams, charts, and graphs to visually support your contextual analysis and strategic recommendations. Your research report should contain extensive academic research to substantiate your work, headings, APA 7th edition in-text citations, and a title and reference page.

Video Presentation: A recorded video where you can visually and verbally present your analysis. This format allows for the use of visuals, text, and personal communication to effectively convey complex information. You may use a video platform such as YouTube, Rumble, Odyssee, Kaltura, etc., to upload and share a link to your video or upload the file directly to the Dropbox, file size permitting. A full written transcript (including headings, APA 7th edition in-text citations, a title and reference page) of your video, diagrams, charts, and graphs should be included, along with extensive academic research substantiating your work.
Assignment Requirements:

Presentation of Deliverable

Design a professional deliverable.
Format and build a table of contents.
Use a consistent and professional presentation design throughout.

Introduction to Value Chain Management Enablers

Evaluate the key enablers of effective value chain management.
Explain why these enablers are critical for optimizing value chains.

Cross-Functional Collaboration

Evaluate the importance of cross-functional collaboration.
Provide detailed examples and best practices for fostering collaboration within an organization.

Technological Innovation

Evaluate the role of technology in value chain management.
Include examples of successful technological implementations and how to get it done.

Data Analytics

Evaluate the use of data analytics in value chain management.
Explain how to leverage data for strategic decision-making and operational improvements. Give examples.

Customer and Market Insights

Evaluate how organizations gather and utilize customer and market insights to shape their value chain strategies.
Provide examples of how these insights have led to strategic changes or improvements in the value chain.
Analyze the impact of aligning value chain strategies with customer needs and market trends.

Audience, Reasoning, and Research
The tutorial should address the executive team of your chosen organization.
Use reasoning skills to support your statements, ideas, and decisions.
Use a minimum of three peer-reviewed academic research resources to substantiate your thoughts, opinions, and ideas.
Substantiate all thoughts, opinions, ideas, and statements with academic research.
Verbal Narration and Notes (PowerPoint or Video)
Speaks loudly enough to be heard; varying voice pitch and volume to ensure audience interest and attention.
Pronounces words correctly and enunciates clearly.
Each slide has professionally written notes substantiated with research.
APA Style
Apply APA style to in-text citations with no errors.
Apply APA style to references with no errors.
Resources should be from reliable and/or scholarly sources.
Writing Conventions
Writing should be focused, concise, and organized.
Articulate at a college level.
There should be few or no grammar or punctuation errors.
Use non-offensive, inclusive, and respectful language.


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