Examine http://www.senate.govLinks to an external site. to determine your KY St
Examine http://www.senate.govLinks to an external site. to determine your KY State Senator and U.S. Senator. Name one item on their legislative agenda that is of interest to you/has social work implications. How does the policy you have identified affect the provision of social welfare services?
Examine http://www.house.govLinks to an external site. to determine who your KY representative is in the House. Name one item on their legislative agenda that is of interest to you/has social work implications. How does the policy you have identified affect the provision of social welfare services?
From an agency perspective, how can a program director or leader balance the social responsibility of providing services with the idea of a cost-benefit analysis in regards to funding and outcomes?
The economic concept of the multiplier effect is defined as the process of facilitating spending that produces more income over time than what was spent initially (For reference, see the example of SNAP benefits on pg. 216 of the text). Is this concept compatible with social work? Explain.