This is the Final Project for this course.
The Final Project Writing Assignment
This is the Final Project for this course.
The Final Project Writing Assignment is a 2 page (minimum) essay, 5 multiple choice questions and answers, and 2 YouTube Video links.
Reminder: All written work must comply with Standard English rules, such as proper capitalization, grammar and spelling. APA format.
Assignment #1 Guidelines
Find two YouTube videos that explain the topics assigned. The YouTube videos should be less than 10 minutes (if possible), they need to be interesting and not boring (if possible), they should be understandable English, and be educational.
There are some YouTube videos that, although explain a topic, are boring in the presentation or not interesting. You need to try and use a YouTube video that is interesting to watch, both visually and audio, if possible. The ideal video is about 2-6 minutes.
Once you have selected the two videos:
1- View the videos and prepare a detailed two page summary/outline. Describe and provide a detailed explanation and summary of the topics assigned.
2- Prepare 5 multiple choice questions with answers bolded for each video.
3- Submit the two video links, summary/outline, and the 5 Q/A
1. Chapter 16 – Legal Controls and Freedom of Expression
– Explain what are the Models of Expression, and summarize the main points for the section The First Amendment of the US Constitution, explain Censorship as Prior Restraint, explain the Unprotected Forms of Expression including Seditious Expression, Copyright Infringement, Libel, Defense against Libel Charges, Obscenity, and The Right to Privacy.
2. Chapter 14 and Case Study section – The Culture of Journalism and A Guide to Identifying Fake News
– Provide a brief history of journalism, Describe fake news and include examples and opinion.
1. You must include the references in AP format from where you obtain the information.
2. This assignment will require you to review YouTube videos and conduct a research on the Internet. The journals used and any web page used in preparing this assignment must be included in the reference list, using appropriate APA style. Also, you must include in-text citations in your work, per the APA style.
3. You can use the PowerPoints and Internet, or you can search for additional journals from the JSTOR database or any other academic journal database to satisfy the topic requirements.
4. What to Submit:
– One completed assignment paper, as a Word or PDF format document with all information written and detailed.
– Two YouTube Video links
– Question and Answers bolded
1. In addition to the 2 page (minimum) paper, include a title page and a reference page. The document must include page numbers and a running head.
– Minimum 2 pages, typed in Microsoft Office Word or PDF format
– Font: Times New Roman Size:12 pts, Double spaced
– Essay format with bullets
– Include no more than 1 image in the document
– You can also use any Internet web page for your research, you are not limited only to the academic papers, but they need to be included in the referenced list.
– The reference page must be formatted according to APA style.
Reminder: All written work must comply with Standard English rules, such as proper capitalization, grammar, and spelling. APA format. Formatting and proper paper layout are also graded components. Submit the assignment through the drop box provided.