You will research and write a 5000-7500 word (typed, double-spaced, 1-inch
You will research and write a 5000-7500 word (typed, double-spaced, 1-inch
margin, 12 pt Times New Roman) research paper in APA format (title page,
abstract, body, references) with an introduction, conceptual framework,
literature review, and concluding discussion, with in-text citations and a
reference list in APA style.
Support your analysis with sources and theories grounded in the concepts covered in
the course. Do not cite the textbook, but feel free to use the book as a source of sources.
Cite at least a dozen sources. No limit on number of sources, but at least half must be
academic research papers from peer-reviewed journals, and no more than one-third
may come from Websites (this term does not refer to articles in online periodicals or
Test a specific theory of human communication by observing or surveying a small
sample of people (AT LEAST 20-25) and reporting on the results. Your paper may
include anything you find interesting and relevant, but must include and the following:
• Detailed explanation of the theory that intrigues you
• Discussion of why you think this theory needs to be verified through new
• What you hypothesize your survey, observations, or experiment will tell you
about this theory (that it is true, or false, or need to be modified)
COMM 530 K. Ells
• Your proposed method for gathering your data. For example:
o Observing public behavior in a particular setting
o Surveying members of a particular community
o Experimenting with a series of staged interactions
o Documenting people encountered in mass or mediated communication
• Numerical tabulation of the results of your observations (how many trials, how
many results of each kind)
• Discussion of whether or not your results confirmed your hypothesis, and why
• Any general conclusions you draw from this project about this communication