Question: Was the willingness of some governments to subsidise research, develop
Question: Was the willingness of some governments to subsidise research, development and distribution of the covid-19 vaccines justified considering the macroeconomic impact of the pandemic?
Your report should have a clear introduction, main body and conclusion. Write in the 3rd person (avoid I or We) and include the relevant tables, charts or diagrams in the main body. All the references/ data sources should be cited in the text and listed at
the end of the report according to the Harvard referencing system
Criterion Weighting:
Structure and Presentation 10%
Research (books, articles, statistics) and referencing 40%
Analysis 50%
Total 100%
The Report tests to what extent the students are able to collect evidence to develop a structured argument to answer the problem question based on that evidence and present the answer in the form of a report