The goal of Part 4 is to provide the Results section of your study, along with a
The goal of Part 4 is to provide the Results section of your study, along with an abbreviated Discussion section.
The main part of the paper will be a summary of the results (graphs and text), summarizing the key findings. Unlike
the Results section of a journal article, you do NOT need to provide any statistics. You can just describe the effects.
You are welcome to modify the research design you had proposed for Term Paper 2. If you’ve gotten feedback
(e.g., from peer review) or just had new ideas about how to improve things, go ahead and do the Results and
Discussion based on the new design. The changes should be noted in the Overview paragraph (see below).
Remember, that we do experiments because we don’t know what the results will look like. You can make up the
results any way you like:
— present results consistent with your hypothesis
— present results that are at odds with your hypothesis
— present unexpected results that point you in a new direction
Grading will not be based on whether the results came out as you expected but on how well you demonstrate that
you can interpret the results, whatever they are.
There is no requirement in terms of number of graphs you should present. Rather, this will be based on your
experiment. If the results can be summarized in a single graph, that will be fine. If it takes more than one graph,
that is fine, too. As you have seen, in many studies, there are multiple ways to look at the same data to address
different questions. For example, you might be testing the hypothesis that TSA security workers at the airport have
become experts at face perception by using fMRI, asking if they show a larger response in the FFA than control
participants. One result could be a bar graph showing the group comparison (e.g., BOLD response in FFA for TSA
workers and controls). A second result could be to see if the size of the BOLD response is correlated with the
number of years the person has worked for the TSA (an analysis limited to one group).
What should the paper include:
Your paper should include the following parts:
10% Overview paragraph: This should include three key sentences. 1) Summary of the research question; 2)
Statement of the main hypothesis (or hypotheses); 3) Overview of method, specifying the independent
variable(s) and dependent variable(s).
35% Text description of results with reference to the relevant graph(s). The text should not only summarize the
results but should also provide interpretation—what do we learn from the graph.
35% The graph(s). Axes should be labeled clearly, including legends to specify different groups when applicable.
The caption should include a title summarizing what is being shown. The caption does not need to discuss
what the results show in the graph since that will be in the text of your paper. You can include a graphic
display of the method/procedures if you think this is helpful (many papers do this). But do not include a
drawing or picture of the equipment if it is something standard such as an MR scanner or a person wearing
EEG. The main point of the graphs is to depict the results of your study.
20% 1-2 paragraphs at the end that discuss
a. Limitations of your study. This might include limitations concerning generalization given that you have
tested a particular sample or it might involve consideration of alternative interpretations of the results.
This could be a place where you can address comments you received in the peer review.
b. Given what we have learned from the study, what would be good questions to ask in future experiments.
Page limits, font size, margins: The paper is limited to a maximum of 2 pages of text and 1 page of graphs. Graphs
may be hand-drawn and copy/pasted into the PDF—they do not need to be created electronically. The text must be
a minimum of 12-point font, double-spaced with at least 1” margin on all sides.
Topic Learning/Reinforcement