1. a.Citations (paraphrases only) (citations from at least 30 or more journal ar
1. a.Citations (paraphrases only) (citations from at least 30 or more journal articles – 2010-2024) avoid citing multiple times from one source to minimise possibilities of being caught plagiarising
b. Wikipedia, blog, websites and other Systematic literature review (SLR) based papers cannot be used
c. List of references at the end of the essay
d. References are in APA 7th
e. Must use PRISMA for SLR
f. Turnitin similarity index less than 10%
2. Typing specification:
a. 2500-3500words (10% -/+) excluding References and Appendix (in-text citations are part of the word count)
b. For in-text citations, use a mixture of both author prominent and information prominent citation
b. Font 12, Times New Roman
c. 1.5 spacing within and between paragraphs.