The aim of the assessment is to propose an investigation of a set of business an
The aim of the assessment is to propose an investigation of a set of business and management research topic. YOU DO NOT CONDUCT THE RESEARCH FOR THE ASSESSMENT FOR THIS MODULE AS IT IS A PROPOSAL ONLY.
It is ideally recommended to choose one of the topics as a guide below:
1. A deep exploration of a student’s experience of their final year of university
2. The relationship between companies’ (Corporate Social Responsibility) CSR initiatives and their financial performance
3. The Impact of Flexible Working Hours on Employee Productivity and Job Satisfaction in the Technology Industry
Please note that: The three topics have established research to develop on. You can AMEND THE ABOVE THE TOPICS SLIGHTLY based on your review of the literature but it should follow the general topic area. It is not mandatory to amend the topic.
Please use the below structure:
A few words summarising the research topic
1. Your ability to form suitable research questions and objectives hypotheses. (200 -300 words). This section is worth 10%.
– In this section clearly state a list of research questions and objectives (consider 1-3 relevant questions and related objectives) as well as hypotheses (applicable to quantitative and mixed methods studies)
– In this section justify your choice of research questions and objectives (consider 1-3 relevant questions and related objectives – each question has a corresponding objective) and hypothesis (applicable to quantitative and mixed methods studies). Please use citations to back-up points in your justification of your research questions and objectives. The citations can be from your literature review or any other sources that showcase the importance of exploring the topic.
– Please also note you do not need an introduction section and you can start the report with the research questions and objectives
– Finally, as a checklist for your research questions and objectives, consider whether they are a way to investigate your literature gap, whether they allow you to provide a useful contribution to the field, whether the questions/objectives appropriate to the chosen methodology.
2. Your ability to develop a literature review (700-800 words). This section is worth 30%.
– In this section, review a range of relevant literature (7-10 sources) linked to your topic. Please be critical (this means going beyond summarising by making connections between groups of research) – please refer to lecture week 2 for further guidance
– Please note that the number of sources you choose depends on your topic – some research topics have been researched more so you may need more citations in comparison to others.
– The sources can include current research within the last few years as well as more historic works (if relevant)
– In this section, at the end of your review please state the research gap and why you should explore it.
– It is recommended to use a mixture of sources including journal articles. ABS journal articles (please refer to week 2) can be valuable sources but are not mandatory. If your topic is not published in the ABS journals list, then the use of other journal articles will suffice and is fine to use.
– You can also use this section to define any key concepts if relevant
3. Finally, your ability to explain and justify a chosen proposed research methodology (900-1000 words). This section is worth 40% (30% for your methodological choices and sampling considerations/10% for your ethical considerations)
– In this section, include your reasoning for choosing qualitative, quantitative, or a mixed methods design and analysis (consider whether the methods are valid or reliable). This includes your choice of:
i) specific research design, for example, you may choose to use secondary qualitative methods and/or a primary quantitative methods including details of specific methods chosen,
ii. Methods of analysis
iii. Any sampling considerations if you are using primary methods.
– Please note that you can choose between primary or secondary research methods (any approach suitable as long you justify it – consider how valid and reliable the methods are).
– You will be awarded marks for clearly justifying your methodological choices and reinforcing points with relevant citations from journal articles and textbooks.
– Please be realistic in your methodological choices of what you can do in terms of the sample size and method choices
– You can include a briefly what the interview and survey questions that you may intend to use
– You can write this section in future tense as it is what you would do
– Please note that you will note you will not actually conduct the research this term as it is a proposed methodology as based on your research gap.
– In this section, please finally include the:
iv) relevant ethical considerations linked to your chosen methodological design
– This includes any ethical considerations about your research methods, for instance, if you are conducting primary data collection, you will need to state how you will obtain consent, and brief and debrief participants as well as if there is any risks if the topic is a sensitive one. If you use secondary data analysis – any ethical considerations about the data sets must be mentioned in this section, such as ensuring that the data is publically available or permission would be given to use it. You can also mention any other risks associated with your study if there are any.
-You can write this section in future tense as it is what you would do
4. Reference List. This section is worth 10%
– Include a reference list using the Harvard referencing system.
– You will be awarded on the use of high-quality references and using the appropriate Harvard referencing system. This means the use of both journal articles and other sources such as textbooks
– The reference list is not included in the total word count
– You should aim to include 15 references in total (this is a guideline figure you can have more references if you wish).
– You can use Google Scholar, City Library and any other database to obtain your references
– You can contact the library team if you need any help with referencing
– Please only reference what you cite
Finally in terms of presentation please also note that 10% of your marks will be attributed to your written style (grammar, overall flow) and overall presentation (structure). Please write in continuous prose and avoid using bullet points (you can use bullet points for your research questions and objectives if you would like but all other sections should be written in paragraphs)
– Font Style: Any font style is fine as long as it is clear and eligible, sans serif fonts are usually easier to read such as (open sans, helvetica, arial, verdana etc).
– Spacing: You can keep the spacing as it is currently set up on Microsoft Word
– Page Numbers: There is no need to include page numbers
– Images: You do not need to include images unless you fee;l that they are relevant
As this is a research proposal, please refer to journal articles related to the relevant topic to give you insights into what other researchers have done, in terms of their research questions, literature review, and methodology. By looking at relevant journal articles you will obtain a good structure of how to develop meaningful research. Please note that they may have conducted the research, you do not need to conduct any research as part of the module.
Total Word Count: 2000 (+/- 10%). Please note that everything from in-text citations is included in your word count except for the reference list. Images are not included in the word count (if you use any).