you will discuss recent changes to the “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” Development

you will discuss recent changes to the “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” Development

you will discuss recent changes to the “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” Developmental Milestones Checklist. You will listen to an interview, review part of a journal article, and also refer to your textbook as you respond to the extra credit prompt below (note that there are 3 parts, you must respond to all parts to receive full points).

The Centers for Disease Control recently updated their “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” Developmental milestones checklists. Recent changes to the Movement/Physical Development specific checklist have been meet with some apprehension by physical therapists.
Below is a brief interview with Developmental Scientist and Physical Therapist Dr. Kari Kretch for the Pediatric Physical Therapy Podcast.”
The journal article mentioned in the podcast episode, “Learn the Signs. Act Early.”: Updates and Implications for Physical Therapists” published by Dr. Kretch and colleagues, can be found here: to an external site.
For this assignment, you are welcome to read the full article, but do not have to. The questions below indicate which sections you DO have to read to answer the questions.
Listen to the clip, review the sections listed in each question, and refer back to your textbook to answer the following questions.
Q1) What are some (mention at least 4) changes to specific milestones in the CDCs “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” milestones checklist? (Refer to Table 1 from the article).
Q2) What are common concerns that Physical Therapists have raised about the changes to the milestones checklist? What explanations do Dr. Kretch and her colleagues provide to inform physical therapists about why the changes were made? (To answer this question, read the portion of the article starting at the section titled “Common Concerns Raised by Physical Therapists” until the end of section “The more things change…”).
Q3) Based on what you’ve learned about motor development and developmental theories throughout the course, as well as from what you’ve learned from the podcast segment and article, what are potential reasons for one child to crawl, while another child may skip crawling and start walking instead?

Your complete response should be 4-5 paragraphs long. Include in-text citations (meaning, parenthetical citations, just as you do in weekly discussions) when you refer to any content from the textbook or audio or journal article. You do not have to cite content beyond the textbook, audio, or the journal article shared here, but you can if you want (but make sure you cite correctly, and provide an APA reference list for outside citations/references if you choose to include them).
Upload/submit your response as a word document or PDF. Other document types will not be accepted. Your response will be run through Turn It In, so ensure that you cite your sources, use your own words, and do not copy and paste content generated by AI.


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