Because of issues with the current sign-in for the NEA Valuing Diversity trainin
Because of issues with the current sign-in for the NEA Valuing Diversity training site and resources, I am making a change to Edutopia. Use the link provided to open the Edutopia website and the webpage on Preparing for Cultural Diversity: Resources for Teachers which will provide links to resources on answering this Essential Question: How can teachers prepare for diverse classrooms?
The homepage (the first page you see when you go the site) gives you an introduction to the concept of diversity, and gives you a variety of links to materials and resources. Select a few topics presented in the training that you believe are the most important issues related to diversity in the classroom. Discuss some of these topics and how it impacts teaching and learning. Feel free to give personal examples. You should cite the Edutopia website as a resource, using APA format. For help with APA formatting, please see the Purdue Owl APA formatting website:
You may also include other references in APA format if you use them.
Your paper should be 1-2 pages in length, 12-point font, Times New Roman.