
  • For this assignment, you will create a formal proposal and presentation for an i

    For this assignment, you will create a formal proposal and presentation for an i For this assignment, you will create a formal proposal and presentation for an innovative, research-driven, comprehensive student support strategy at a fictional institution. You may use any institutional profile as you create your proposal; however, it is important to be thorough…

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  • Design a writing lesson outline to incorporate in your presentation based on the

    Design a writing lesson outline to incorporate in your presentation based on the Design a writing lesson outline to incorporate in your presentation based on the Daily 5 Include the following in your writing lesson: National/State Standard and Learning Objective: Identify a writing standard and write an aligned learning objective. Include the full standard verbiage…

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  • Getting Started- Before you delve into the documentation within the Planning Jou

    Getting Started- Before you delve into the documentation within the Planning Jou Getting Started- Before you delve into the documentation within the Planning Journal, take time to analyze your topic. Refer to the textbook-see FIGURE 2.3 “Choosing the Best Topic.” Begin with a ‘Brainstorming Web.’ • What is the topic you are considering for your…

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  • Respond to your colleague in the following ways: -Provide an additional math or

    Respond to your colleague in the following ways: -Provide an additional math or Respond to your colleague in the following ways: -Provide an additional math or science intervention that you believe would help support Steven. -Explain why you believe a colleague’s intervention may or may not work with the student in the scenario. -Describe a…

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  • As previously discussed in the course modules, High Leverage Practices are used

    As previously discussed in the course modules, High Leverage Practices are used As previously discussed in the course modules, High Leverage Practices are used as the standards of practice in many teacher preparation programs and teachers, particularly special education teachers should be able to apply them within their educational environments. The HLP domains and practices…

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  • he Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) mandates that all students

    he Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) mandates that all students he Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) mandates that all students with disabilities receive a FAPE in the LRE. The decisions regarding these two components of the law are to be made based solely on the unique needs of each individual student. Teachers will be…

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