
  • create a reply to this discussion Behavior-analytic teaching strategies, includ

    create a reply to this discussion Behavior-analytic teaching strategies, including interteaching and the Personalized System of Instruction (PSI), have proven to be effective, yet there remain critical gaps in the literature. Boyce and Hineline (2002) highlighted how interteaching promotes engagement through peer discussions and instructor feedback in traditional classrooms. However, little is known about how…

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  • create a reply to this discussion I agree with some aspects of the perspective

    create a reply to this discussion I agree with some aspects of the perspective on interprofessional collaboration presented by Shahidullah et al. (2018). I agree that primary care providers (PCPs) should be familiar with commonly used medical, clinical, and school-based resources so that they can refer families appropriately for the proper care of their patients…

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  • SED 718- Final Project Descriiption- Current continuing education (CE) requirem

    SED 718- Final Project Descriiption- Current continuing education (CE) requirements for practicing Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBA’s) are 32 hours per 2-year cycle. Of those 32 hours, 4 hours must be ethics-related and 3 have to be about supervision. In this course we have learned how important multi/cross/inter cultural competencies and understanding are- yet there…

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  • Case Study: Student groups will be assigned a case vignette of a child or adoles

    Case Study: Student groups will be assigned a case vignette of a child or adolescent to examine through a clinical lens. You may expand on the vignette but should not change the basic information presented. The case study will include: Clinical Assessment: – psychosocial history, mental status exam, etc. (1-2 pages) Diagnosis: DSM-5 diagnosis with…

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  • Step 1: Select one CONTEMPORARY focus in psychology: Environmental psychology. L

    Step 1: Select one CONTEMPORARY focus in psychology: Environmental psychology. LGBTQIA+ psychology. Black psychology. Feminist psychology and intersectionality. Decolonizing psychology curriculum/research. Step 2: Select one HISTORICAL school of thought that you believe helped to somehow inspire or contribute to your contemporary focus selected in Step 1: Functionalism. Structuralism. Psychoanalysis. Behaviorism. Cognitive. Gestalt. Humanism. Step 3:…

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  • For this assignment I need to conduct a “smile experiment” but a simple hypothet

    For this assignment I need to conduct a “smile experiment” but a simple hypothetical experiment is fine. Be sure your submission includes the following critical elements: * Introduction: Peer-reviewed resources—Include at least one peer-reviewed article for support. * Introduction: Hypothesis—End with your hypothesis. * Method: Development/description—Describe what you did. This should be detailed enough that…

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  • Directions: Provided a draft started for expansion. Five pages maximum, includin

    Directions: Provided a draft started for expansion. Five pages maximum, includin Directions: Provided a draft started for expansion. Five pages maximum, including two pages focused on the “primary article.” Cover sheet and reference page not included. The critical thinking essay assignment is as follows: · 1.) Review the primary article in no more than 2…

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