Describe and critique a protocol used on your healthcare unit using the guidelin
Describe and critique a protocol used on your healthcare unit using the guidelines listed below. Describe the purpose and significance of the protocol and the technologies used. Determine if the technologies used in the protocol communicate. Identify any gaps noted and provide recommendations. Identify other stakeholders within the organization who should receive this feedback.
Please note: If you do not work in a healthcare facility, work remotely, or are a home health nurse, consider a process that you carry out to ensure patient safety. What technology do you use in performing this process? Create the PowerPoint presentation based upon the technology you use and follow the guidelines listed below.
PowerPoint Guidelines:
Application: Use Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 or versions after 2007 (no XP).
Length: The PowerPoint slide show is expected to be no more than 15 slides in length (not including the title slide and reference list slide).
Submission: Submit your files via the drop box: “Technologies used in Protocol” by 11:59 PM on Sunday of week 5.
Technical writing: APA format is required.
Submit assignment with your last name in document title; example: “Smith_protocol_week5”
Late Submission: See the course policy on late submissions.
Tutorial: If needed, Microsoft Office has many templates and tutorials to help you get started.
Assignment Guidelines:
Your presentation should include a title slide, an introduction slide, summary slide, and reference slide. The title slide, introduction slide, and reference slide do not count towards the presentation slide numbers.
The introduction should briefly describe the purpose for this presentation. Identify a protocol used in the healthcare setting you normally practice (if currently not practicing, find a protocol used in a healthcare setting near you). The introduction should establish a professional tone for the presentation.
Discuss the following features of the protocol:
Provide a general description and significance of the protocol.
Describe how the protocol aligns with evidence-based practice (e. identify a minimum of 2 scholarly articles that support/refute actions identified in the protocol)
Identify any technologies currently used by healthcare system to complete the actions in the protocols
Provide a brief description of each technology used in the protocol
Describe the purpose for the technology use (g. communication, assess information, etc.)
Describe if and how the technologies communicate among each other.
Describe how the nurse is able to access the information needed to complete the protocol.
What gaps in technology communicating with technology are noted after reviewing this information?
Summarize the analysis and offer recommendations to achieve better protocol results and improve the use of technology within the protocol (e. what would one recommend to refine the protocol?)
What is the process to provide feedback of the recommendations in addition to your supervisor? (e. practice committee, supervisor/manager, etc.) I work for HCA at a labor and delivery unit we can talk about technology to monitor FHR fetal heart rate during labor in the hospital and the use of oxitocin