For this essay, I want you to reflect on common themes we find in the stories o
For this essay, I want you to reflect on common themes we find in the stories of Boccaccio’s Decameron.
Read the selections I’ve indicated in your guide. I want you to respond with an essay of at least five paragraphs.
Paragraph 1: What are some typical reactions of people to the appearance of the Pestilence?
Paragraphs 2-4: I want you to compose a well-written paragraph on three of the following themes in these stories – faith; love; sexuality; a woman’s place in society. Be sure to be specific, detailed, and discuss examples from multiple stories.
Paragraph 5: Give me a personal response to these stories. This is completely up to you.
You may go beyond the minimum requirements above, but your essay must be at least five well-written paragraphs and 750-1,000 words. For the central body, you may need more than one paragraph for each theme. Unless stated otherwise, I expect your essays to be double-spaced, in a standard 12-pt font, in MLA style. Please identify any outside sources used. Be sure to support your statements with specific evidence. It should be clear when I read your essay that you are familiar with the primary texts and with the material you use to support your work.
N.B ” Please do not go beyond these stories as indicated in pdf file, Day 3 : story 1, 2,3 and 10. Day 4: story 2, Day 5: story 9. Day6: story 7″