he major project will be a presentation in two parts You will be creating a slid

he major project will be a presentation in two parts
You will be creating a slide show of  12-15 slides. (More details below)
1. You will submit a video recording (of 10-15 minutes) where you make a short video of you presenting your slides. It should be a capture of the slides with your voice doing the presentation (you do NOT need to show your face in the video)
This will be submitted via Kritik and be peer graded.  This counts for 20% of your final mark.
2. You will submit the slides as a .pdf in Eclass. You will also produce a second part in which you relate HOW the material in your slides relate to the course material. This should cover 2-3 points of 150 to 200 words for each point.  You will also put any citation in this file as well. 
This will be instructor/Ta graded and counts for 80% of the final grade. 
For the slide show there must be the following number of slides and information
1 title slide
12-15 slides with information. These slides must have a minimum of 1 image each and the slides should be 1/2 -1/3 text.
For your mission you MUST include a basic description of the probe (with some sort of image) and a basic timeline of the mission. 
You must discuss two key findings of the mission – each must be addressed in at least 4 slides.
You must also include at least 2 other slides where you discuss something unique about the mission e.g. a new propulsion system, new type of instrument, etc.)  Please note, if you chose the JUNO mission, you must discuss different discoveries from those you previously discussed in the kritik and the expectations is that the level of detail must be more than the kritik assignment.
1 summary slide of your presentation (all text on this slide)
This means there is a maximum of 17 slides and a minimum of 14 slides in your presentation.
You must also submit a short discussion of how the your project topic relates to  SPECIFIC material discussed in the lectures (you should refer to specific lectures and/or lecture slides here)
You should make at least 2 points each in a short paragraph to a total of 250-300 words.  A reference list should also be in this file.  Images in the slides should have brief captions that refer to the specific source you cite in your reference list here.


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