Instructions for Completing Milestone #4 (Weeks 7 to 9): This milestone asks you

Instructions for Completing Milestone #4 (Weeks 7 to 9): This milestone asks your consulting team to prepare a comprehensive proposal that details your new product and the reason why PepsiCo should implement your idea. The written proposal should be built on the questions you answered in your other milestones but should not be a pasting together of previously summitted milestones. This proposal should be professional-looking and written to sell the PepsiCo executive team on the value of your product proposal. It should include: An introductory section explaining “why” your product is being proposed to PepsiCo. How it will help PepsiCo achieve goals important to the company and its stakeholders. You should introduce and talk about the benefits of your product. A section describing “what” needs to happen to bring this product proposal to success. As with all these sections, you should integrate any feedback you received from your instructors (acting as PepsiCo executives) or explain why you did not integrate the feedback. A section detailing the “who” and “when” parts of the proposal in the form of a timeline. The pieces of the timeline may be written out, but a graphic would also be illustrative. If you do use graphics, you should append these at the end of the proposal rather than try to insert them in the text. At this proposal level, you may want to speak with less specificity than when you were addressing the questions in the previously submitted milestones. A section detailing the financial and qualitative benefits, and the feasibility of your proposal. Again, the graphics and charts may be informative. A section describing your expectations for the project and corrective action you suggest PepsiCo should take in the future if the project wanders off the planned course. A closing section making a final summary or “selling” of your proposal. And it is always good to end any presentation by thanking the executives for their attention.


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