Modify Pr21-3.cpp. You will also need to look at Pr21-2.cpp and look in the book
Modify Pr21-3.cpp. You will also need to look at Pr21-2.cpp and look in the book. (You must start with Pr21-3)
Name the new program: LastnameF230Assign13.cpp where Lastname is your last name and F is the first initial of your first name. Save in a file folder on your storage device.
You will need IntBinaryTree.h and IntBinaryTree.cpp, but you will not change these files and you will not turn them in.
In the main part of your program, call functions to do the following:
Insert nodes 11, 7, 8, 3, 13, 9, 24, 1, 59.
Display the tree inorder, preorder, and postorder. (See Pr21-2 for examples.)
Check your work by drawing the tree as shown above using this website: to an external site.
In your program, search for nodes 11, 1, 7, and 27.
Display the results.
Delete node 11. Hint: use the remove function.
Display the tree inorder again.
Add 3 comments at the top of the page with your name, the class, and the date. Put each comment on a separate line.
Also, the variable and function names must be descriptive. Your output must also be descriptive.
Upload LastnameF230Assign13.cpp.