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Summary: Using two assigned texts from Unit 4, and 3 artworks selected from 3 different class lectures (please see first PDF), write a 1500-word paper that responds to one of the assigned prompts (in which you’ll be asked to model advocacy or curatorial practice). Practice descriptive analysis, critical reading analysis, synthesis of course concepts, citation, quotation, and appropriate image labeling.
A: Using ideas and artworks discussed in this course, you are writing an editorial for a major newspaper about strategies for resistance and resilience to the impacts of environmental degradation in the 21st century. How have artists and designers addressed strategies for resistance and resilience in their practices?
B: You are proposing an exhibition to a university art museum about the uneven impacts of environmental degradation on different populations or communities since 1989. In what ways have artists and designers addressed these uneven impacts in their practices?
Please write at the top of your Final paper which Prompt you are responding to.
Further details:
Careful selection of supporting evidence is part of this assignment – make sure that both texts and all 3 artworks support your response to the prompt. Note that choosing 3 artworks from the same set of lecture slides will not earn full credit.
When you reference, quote, or paraphrase from your sources, please cite with Chicago style footnotes. (Your paper should have a minimum of two footnotes, at least one for each source.)
Images should be referred to in the text by number, in the order in which they appear in your text (Fig. 1). Corresponding numbered images should appear at the end of your text, with labels beneath them (which can be copied from the slides).
To earn an A-/A (22.5-25 points), your paper must have all of the following components:
Clear evidence of revision, editing, and proofreading.
Writing shows originality of phrasing throughout.
Length of 1500 words, including an introduction and a conclusion.
A clear argument that responds to Prompt A or B.
Argument is well supported with your selection of evidence from the course.
Discussion of two course texts from unit 4, with brief analyses of their key ideas. ***(SEE ATTACHED PDFs FOR COURSE TEXTS)***
Descriptive analysis of 3 artworks chosen from 3 different lectures.
Numbered and labeled images of all 3 artworks.
Good* usage of quotations and paraphrasing.
Citations for all quoted, paraphrased, or referenced text in correctly formatted Chicago style footnotes.