Please read Economic Man vs Social Man, a speech given by David Eastburn in 1969
Please read Economic Man vs Social Man, a speech given by David Eastburn in 1969.
Economic Man vs Social ManLinks to an external site.
Though these remarks were delivered over 50 years ago, Eastburn’s framework of analysis is still true today.
Do you believe that his dichotomy is true? Are you an Economic Man or Social Man? Is it possible to be 80% Economic Man and 20% Social Man? …or any other breakdown for that matter. How would you describe yourself? Please explain.
Please feel free to express your own opinions and ideas. They need to be well spelled out completely and grammatically correct.
Please complete this assignment in a word doc and attach it as per the instructions in the assignment link.
The assignment should be 1 1/2 to 2 pages in length and use APA format, incorporating a title page and reference page. Please cite sources where applicable. In this case it will be one reference but the in-text citations and references like the rest of the paper must be APA formatted. Review the sample A work reflective essay at the end of the modules.
Please make paper like info below:
As I am reading ”economic man vs social man”, in my warm house, sitting on my comfortable couch, I become more aligned myself more with economic man because of the reasons above. As I grew up, I sided with social man but in the end I was awarded pennies on the dollar. Thinking about your “neighbor” during every transaction leaves you back in a place you’ve worked so hard to escape. Here’s an example, if Elon musk ( net worth $274.7 million ) gave every person in the U.S. ( 346,012,710 ) we would all have $793.90. Does that seem fair? Living a life of hard work and determination for years just to give it all to someone who’s had the same opportunity but used that towards playing video games, watching tv, partying? To me, it doesn’t, which is why I’ve become 80% economic and 20% social. The 20% is important to me because there are things that I feel that the economic man does bad for the community. For example, the “Love Canal” which was an entire town getting sick and dying from a company dumping toxic chemicals in the neighborhood. Because of this, I inspire to become rich but not a monster. That being said, one can always complain about some else’s wealth, but if I were to ask these people if they would do the same thing, I don’t believe they would.