This assignment can be completed at any point in the quarter. The write-up shou

This assignment can be completed at any point in the quarter. The write-up shou

This assignment can be completed at any point in the quarter. The write-up should be saved as a pdf and uploaded to Canvas no later than Nov 29 by 11:59pm.
Attend a campus event focused on feminist or social justice issues and write a 650-750-word report(2.5-3 pages double-spaced) on the event and its connections to themes we are exploring in this course. Write as if you were explaining the event to friends who did not attend the event and are not in Femst 20: make sure you describe key aspects of the event and clearly define the course concepts and themes that you are discussing.
In your report, identify:
the main theme(s) of the event
who was in attendance and how they participated / how they responded
your experience of the event and how you responded personally and/or politically

connections to at least 2 ideas presented in our course readings, referring to specific page numbers and properly citing the relevant sources.
This assignment should properly cite all materials referenced and follow either MLA or APA style guide (ask your TA if they have a preference).
A provisional list of events will be posted and periodically updated on the course Canvas page. If you would like to attend an event that is not included on this list, please consult with your TA and/or the instructor to see if it is a good fit for this assignment.
Why is this a useful Femst 20 assignment?
This assignment is meant to help you recognize how ideas and concepts discussed in the course apply to issues and struggles happening outside of the classroom. It is also meant to help you develop your ability to choose among different forms and styles of writing.


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