Title Page: Name of lab, name of student, date, instructor. The title page does
Title Page: Name of lab, name of student, date, instructor. The title page does not count towards your five pages.
Introduction: Describe what concept the lab explores and presents the objectives and purpose of the lab. Also states the research problem and the reason this problem is being investigated. Describe the theory behind what you’re doing. Include any relevant equations that may be needed here. This will require background research. You are required to have at least 3 sources not including your textbook.
Method and Procedure: Document your experimental procedure in enough detail that someone else could repeat your work. This should include a list of all materials used and the steps taken to accomplish the lab. No bulleted lists. Write everything in paragraph form. Include pictures of your setup here (3 max, not any bigger that 1×1 inches).
Data and Analysis: Review your tables and graphs to determine the key findings from the project. Write a paragraph explaining each table and graph including its key result and other salient details. Arrange the results section in an organized fashion. DO NOT INCLUDE YOUR TABLES AND GRAPHS HERE. They will go in an appendix.
Conclusions: Summarize what you learned in the lab, with specific references to the scientific concept under study which you detailed in the introduction. Describe potential sources of error (don’t say human error). Critique the lab and describe opportunities for further / future work. Did you learn anything else from the lab, such as use of lab equipment, procedures, analysis methods, etc.?
Appendix: Include all plots, tables, etc. here. Name them and refer to them by that name in your Data and Analysis section. This section does not count toward your five pages.