USE THE POWERPOINT TEMPLATE ATTACHED  Include the following sections (detailed

Include the following sections (detailed criteria listed below). 

Title Slide 

Introduction (1-2 slides) 

Identify and describe the patient-focused practice issue.  
Explain the significance of the issue and its impact on patient health outcomes, nursing practice, or healthcare delivery. You may use the description of the issue completed in Week 1.  
Provide an in-text citation from a scholarly source to support your writing. 

PICOT Question (1 slide)  

Include your PICOT question:  In hospitalized older adult patients (P) , how does identification of delirium (I) compared to not identifying (C) affect prevention or management of delirium and its effect (O) within 3 month’s time (T)?  
Include the required elements in the PICOT statement (P – population and problem, I – intervention, C – comparison, O – outcome, T – timeframe for outcome achievement). You may use the PICOT question and elements developed in Week 2.   

Findings (2-3 slides) 

Present the findings of the Literature Summary ATTACHED BELOW.
Provide a 1-2 sentence overview of the results of each of the five studies related to the PICOT question. 
Provide an in-text citation from a scholarly source to support your writing. 

Synthesis (1-2 slides)

Discuss common themes found in the literature.  
Explain any gaps found in the literature related to the PICOT question.  
Identify whether the evidence in the literature was sufficient to support the intervention in the PICOT question.  
Provide an in-text citation from at least two scholarly sources to support your writing. 

Recommendations (1-2 slides)

Based on your literature review, what are your recommendations [implement practice change or conduct additional research]?  
Identify the stakeholders impacted by your recommendation.  
Discuss the resources needed to implement your recommendation.  
Provide an in-text citation from a scholarly source to support your writing. 


Provide complete references in APA format; you may use bullets. Hanging indents are not required.   
Please include the Chamberlain University permalink to the direct full copy of the articles.  

Speaker Notes 

Speaker notes are provided for each slide (except the title and reference slides).  
Information included in speaker notes is presented in complete sentences, supports slide contents, and has appropriate references.  

Presentation Format 
The presentation is a total of 8-11 slides. 
Slide information is succinct and presented with bulleted points. 
Color schemes, font style, and size are consistent on each slide. 
A minimum of 18-point font is used and appropriate for audience reading. 
Graphics and images (if used) are professional and appropriate. 


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