Using what you have learned throughout this course, create a PowerPoint presenta
Using what you have learned throughout this course, create a PowerPoint presentation that discusses the following:
Provide a discussion about what programming is and how programming can help with problem solving.
Explain what pseudocode is, and provide an example.
Explain what a flowchart is, and provide an example. You can use the drawing tools in MS PowerPoint to create the flow diagram.
Explain what object-oriented programming (OOP) is, provide an example of an OOP language, and provide an introduction to the language.
Discuss what is meant by Application Life Cycle Management and why it is important to software development.
Discuss the differences between desktop applications and console-based applications, and provide an example for each.
Discuss what a database is and how database programming can help store, maintain, and retrieve data. Identify and discuss at least one popular database programming language.
Your PowerPoint must be 8–10 slides, and you should include a title slide and references slide. You must use at least two credible online sources in your PowerPoint. You may also use resources from the government library, any other library, or any peer-reviewed or academic reference.
Use of speaker notes is required as well. In the speaker notes, you will provide what you would say if you were giving the presentation to an audience. Please write your notes in complete sentences in paragraph form, and adhere to typical grammar and/or punctuation rules. You must cite and reference any information from your selected resources in APA Style.