We expect this paper to be uploaded as one document with appendix for Kellogg lo
We expect this paper to be uploaded as one document with appendix for Kellogg logic model templates and your budget. (Please see information on adding landscape pages at end of paper)
Assignment guidelines:
1. Given the information provided (Case document), please develop a problem and purpose statement. Please note, you do not need to search the literature to support the information you are given in the case. You only need to use the information in the case. For this assignment you do not need to reference any national or local data from the case. This should be no longer than 250 words.
Note: a well-written project purpose statement should describe how you will achieve something by doing something for someone. The purpose statement should stand alone and be written separately from the problem statement.
Your problem statement paired with the purpose statement should encapsulate your proposed project.
2. Develop both a Kellogg Basic Logic model and Kellogg Theory of Change templates. This will require you to build a project plan based on the information provided in order to develop activities, outputs, objectives and desired impacts that you believe would be reasonable given the information above. Use SMART format for all objectives (process and outcome). You may use the templates provided in previous modules. For this assignment, you do not need to add paragraph/page. We highly recommend that you review the faculty comments in your previous Logic Model assignment.
3. Please identify one model/framework (EBP, change etc.) you could use to guide the project you’ve outlined. Explain why the model/framework is appropriate for this project and apply it to the life cycle of the project. Please consider a different model/framework than the two you discussed in your implementation paper (Kotter Change Model and the Iowa Implementation Framework). For this section of assignment, you will need to cite appropriate course references. Please answer in 500 words or less.
4. Build a budget for this project. The budget can be in a word table or excel document. Note – your budget does not need to be revenue generating, however please address return on investment in 1-2 sentences. You will be expected to include a cost for all key activities outlined in your logic models. Budget should not exceed 1 page. There is no budget template, although you can use the template at the end of the Module 7 Key Concepts as a starting point.
Changing pages from Portrait to Landscape in word- This video will show you how to change specific pages in your paper to landscape layout. Additional resources for writing assignments are listed under the Home Page- Class Resources.
Consider using these directions for TOC excel file upload to help with formatting:
In excel:
1) Highlight all the cells that you want included in the document
2) Go to page layout and click on “Print Area” and select “Set Print Area”
3) Go to file then Print and when you’re in Print, you will select to print as a PDF
4) Then on the same print page, go to the Setting options and in the last dropbox will be a setting to change the scaling. Click “fit sheet on one page”
5) click Print and your computer should prompt you to save the PDF file
Problem and purpose statement: Problem and purpose statement are clear and justified using the data provided. Problem statement includes national and local data and significance of the problem. Purpose statement includes what is to be accomplished, the EBP strategy, and who will be served.
Kellogg Logic model templates: Kellogg Logic model templates are complete, clear and use data provided. Alignment among competent parts. All goals/objectives are written in SMART format.
Identified framework/models: Model/framework is appropriate for the project outlined in the Kellogg logic models. Justification for the model is clear and incorporates evidence from readings.
Budget: Budget includes key items outlined in the logic models and includes an overall cost for the project and ROI is addressed.
APA format/writing style: Content is well-organized. Writing is clear and grammatically correct. Citations and text follow APA format. Uses headings. Adheres to word limits.