Chapter 7: Voting Rights (750-1000 Words)
Compare and contrast voting rights bet
Chapter 7: Voting Rights (750-1000 Words)
Compare and contrast voting rights between (2) US states that have different laws/rules for who can vote, when, and how.
Which rules make it more difficult for citizens to vote, or make them unable to vote?
In your opinion, is this unfair and was it put in place by the state to dissuade or deny (disenfranchise) voters?
Discuss any recent court cases that address these inequities.
Analyze, discuss, and describe the topic in relation to the textbook readings along with additional research. You may present Pro/Con, compare and contrast viewpoints, as well as your opinion. All information should be based on evidence documented from your research. Use at least (1) outside source. Make sure to cite your sources MLA citation style.Use no more than (1) quote/paraphrase.