Design a writing lesson outline to incorporate in your presentation based on the
Design a writing lesson outline to incorporate in your presentation based on the Daily 5 Include the following in your writing lesson:
National/State Standard and Learning Objective: Identify a writing standard and write an aligned learning objective. Include the full standard verbiage in your presentation to demonstrate alignment.
Anticipatory Set: Describe an opening activity for the lesson that activates students’ prior knowledge, linking previous learning with what they will be learning in this lesson, and gaining student interest for the lesson.
Activities: Explanation of how the content will be presented to students and how the teacher will engage the students in exploring, practicing, and applying the content. At least one activity should include technology to engage the students, expand their written communication skills, or provide support in the writing process.
Assessment: Explanation of how students will demonstrate what they know or mastery of the learning objective.
Differentiation: Provide one strategy to differentiate the writing lesson and assessment for each group of students (English language learners, students with disabilities, students with gifted abilities, and early finishers).