Discover: Review the difference between disruptive and sustaining innovations, a
Discover: Review the difference between disruptive and sustaining innovations, and compare their uses and benefits in the healthcare industry.
Engage: Evaluate the concepts discussed in the “Discover” section to analyze a current innovation in healthcare.
Review: Apply what you have learned in the previous steps to complete the Hackensack Case Comparison worksheet
Sustaining, disruptive, and both Sustaining and Disruptive?
How is the Hackensack Alliance ACO case an example of sustaining innovation, disruptive innovation, and both sustaining and disruptive innovation?
Compare your evaluation of the Hackensack Alliance ACO case to the analyses of two experts in healthcare innovation, Craig Miller and Jason Hwang.
How has your view changed after reading these responses?
Complete the Hackensack Case Comparison worksheet (attached). List the items that support your argument that the Hackensack case is an example of:
disruptive innovation,
sustaining innovation, and
both disruptive and sustaining innovations.