Exercises: There will be five exercises to be done throughout the semester. Thes

There will be five exercises to be done throughout the semester. Thes

There will be five exercises to be done throughout the semester. These are longer case studies that require more time. Completion of these exercises must be done within the required time period. The exercises will require a number of steps:
Complete the exercise by writing 1-2 pages in MSWord (.doc or .docx files only).
Submit your answers through the assignment link provided – do not email them to me.
Be mindful of due dates or it will be marked late.
Double spaced
MLA format
Times New Roman

We have now discussed Fake News and Partisanship. Both subjects challenge the news media’s social importance in our society — a fundamental principle in our political philosophy and democratic system. You’ve also spent 14 weeks discussing ethics. Pull all of these things together. By this time you’re an intelligent, informed and reasonably sophisticated observer of media ethics. This is your opportunity to reach a final conclusion about the ethicality of how our media are doing their jobs today. From an ethical perspective, are our news media performing their social role, or does the system need to be fixed? If so, how?
Please see all the Exercises 1 through 4 and apply and see the directions to complete through exercise 5 completed essay.
As long as you take the exercises seriously, providing substantive responses and complete the required steps, you will receive full credit. Exercises must be completed within the posted time limits. Spurious or non-productive responses may not receive full credit.
Textbook (if applicable)
Patterson, Philip, Lee Wilkins. Media Ethics: Issues and Cases, McGraw Hill, ninth edition


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