Instructions: Students must find an example of a relationship (romantic, friends

Instructions: Students must find an example of a relationship (romantic, friends

Instructions: Students must find an example of a relationship (romantic, friendship, family, work, etc.) from a movie, television show, video game, and/or book where there is some identifiable problem/conflict/obstacle/issue. You can also focus on the same relationship used for analysis in an earlier assignment.
Learning Outcomes: This assignment is designed to meet the following learning outcomes listed on the course syllabus:
Describe the communication theory and research on conflict and conflict management.
Identify and analyze the causes and types of conflict in human relationships.
Identify and analyze conflict situations and the communication strategies used in conflict management.
Explain their own strategies for managing conflicts in personal, social, and career activities.
Students will be asked to incorporate course concepts and ideas into their analysis and to cite and incorporate at least four (4) credible sources in their essay. Students may use their textbook as an additional resource, but keep in mind that it does not count as one of your sources. However, any information that comes from the textbook should be cited.
For the paper, students must use APA format and apply it to their in-text citations and reference list at the end of their paper.
Format: Papers should be between 5-7 pages in length, utilize correct APA citation, use 12-point, Times New Roman font, double-spaced with 1-inch margins.
The goal here is to (1) outline the major areas that you will address in your paper, and (2) provide a thesis statement that describes your major goal/purpose of your paper.
Provide a descriiption that identifies the relationship history of the characters you have selected and the problem/issue/obstacle/conflict affecting the relationship. Be sure not to include plot details that are unnecessary or irrelevant.
Next, you will analyze the dynamics of the conflict within the relationship you have selected. Here are some areas that you may consider in this section of the paper:
Patterns of communication between your selected characters.
Conflict styles and approaches
Power dynamics in the relationship and how they impact both communication and behavior.
Topic/relational/identity/process goals
The effect of culture that may explain character’s conflict approaches and strategies
The impact of emotions on conflict
Next, you will discuss how your selected characters may reach a satisfying outcome related to their conflict and explain why you believe these would be effective. If the characters you selected actually achieved a satisfying outcome in your show, movie, book, etc. explain how and why this outcome may have been successful?
Summarize the major points of your paper and conclude with a compelling final thought that provides your reader some closure.


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