Link to Vital Source Book for reference of chapters

Link to Vital Source Book for reference of chapters

Link to Vital Source Book for reference of chapters
These are the chapters we have to write about in our paper.
The papers I have written about include
Me being of Puerto Rican decent (mom raised in the U.S with American values, and my dad raised in Puerto Rico, but came to U.S. at the age of 18 to get work to send money back to his parents in Puerto Rico, so that they could build their home larger for their 15 kids. My Father having come to U.S. with more traditional latino values and my mother and him coming to a compromise on how to raise us with more American Values, but still incorporate some of the latino values. My maternal grandmother living with us and me being very close to her. Of my three siblings I was the only one that learned to read and write Spanish from watching soap operas and leaving the CC scriipt on tv. I also learned to cook and take care of my family.
I was a young mom at the ago of 20 and had a son, Victor. at the age of 24 I had my second son, Michael and I was a single mother who struggled to raise my boys, work two jobs and tried to go to college to obtain my medical billing and coding certificate as well as some of my pre-requisites for an Associates Degree in Arts. My boys are no 21 and 24. I am in school at Elgin Community College and start the nursing program in January 2025. I have a stong work-ethic, I am very responsible, organized, I value family. I attend a non-denominational church and practice Christian values.I raised my boys to take care of their maternal grandparents as they were the ones who helped me raise them. My boys both take care of my father who has dementia and below the knee amputation (wears prosthetic), my mother has pace-maker for low heart beat, and is fall risk, she also has uncontrolled diabetes, so we are very careful with each ot them and their diets and excercise. We also have three dogs: pitbull, yorkie, dautsun, and cat, Most of what I’ve written about is this as well as being open-minded about friends and family and always being considerate, compassionate, caring, going out of my way to please others as I can be a people pleaser (I’m learning to say, “No”).


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