Pick an article that is a good demonstration of the concepts or theories discuss
Pick an article that is a good demonstration of the concepts or theories discussed in any chapter(s) covered in our main textbook. Be sure to choose an article that covers an event or a company case (eg. Google’s international strategy) rather than a prescriiptive article (eg., The 5 best ways to enter a foreign market) as the purpose of this assignment is to be able to find examples of theoretical concepts in real companies of the world. You can first look through the chapter and look for some key concepts in bold print or subheadings, and use those words to search for an article.
Make sure to only use reputable news outlets or business magazines as the primary source (e.g., Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Economist, The Financial Times, The Time magazine, Fortune, Bloomberg, BBC News, The Guardian, Forbes, Business Insider, NPR News, etc.*). The article must have enough details so you can elaborate your answers. You are allowed to use multiple news articles covering the same story to give you a fuller picture. However, do not choose academic articles analyzing a particular organization or magazines like Harvard Business Review that provide a detailed analysis as you will write your own analysis using all the concepts we have learned in this course. The article(s) you chose must have been published during the current academic year for your assignment to be graded.
*Most of this news outlets are accessible through the https://tamuct.libguides.com/index
Links to an external site.
Once you have picked the article, you need to start thinking about how the article ties in with the chapter(s) of your choice. As you can see in the rubric below, your grade will be determined by 1) how well you summarize the concept in the chapter that you are trying to tie your article to, 2) whether the article you chose is appropriate for the chapter content, 3) how well you explain the connection between the chapter content and your article, 4) the quality of your writing.
You need to write two pages, double-spaced, in demonstrating your understanding of the chapter and your article. Follow APA style for in-text citations and full references at the end. This assignment is a COBA requirement for assessing your writing skills at the senior course level so your writing skills will be looked at more closely.