The first discussion board will be to a transcript from a speech.
This guideline
The first discussion board will be to a transcript from a speech.
This guidelines to the first discussion:
Summarize the speech.
Proper introductions require five separate components. Identify two components used by the speaker in the introduction. Was anything missing?
Share two values, beliefs, or demographics of the intended audience.
A proper conclusion includes a proper summary, tie back, and clincher. Identify two components used by the speaker in the conclusion. Was anything missing?
Identify two weaknesses of the speaker.
First assignment is a speech conclusion related to the other speech you created. It needs to be in verbatim form.
For this assignment, you will need to:
Run through your introduction briefly to provide context for your potential conclusion. Please restate the following at the beginning of your video– (the attention grabber that you’ve chosen from the three you provided in the last assignment, thesis statement, credibility statement, audience impact, and preview of main points). (6 pts)
State your 3-4 main points, including how they connect to each other. (10 pts)
Conclusion: Summarize your speech and craft two tie-backs. (3 pts)
Run through three different potential clinchers. (6 pts)
Please take time to review the assignment rubric to be familiar with the criteria.
I attached your first speech.
This is a fundamentals#4 outline for the next assignment.
Persuasive Speech Outline
Note: there are two parts to this assignment. In Part 1, you will construct a full-sentence outline of your speech. Then, in Part 2, you will discuss visual aids that could be used in your speech.
Use the Persuasive Speech Outline template Download Persuasive Speech Outline template to complete your work.
PART 1: Rough draft full sentence outline
The purpose of Part 1 is to assemble the parts of the speech that we have worked on this quarter and put it into one full-sentence outline. A full-sentence outline is the building block of the entire speech, making it an important first step in the outlining process. For additional guidance on developing the main points of the outline in the problem-solution pattern, please review this document Download document.
PART 2: Visual aid ideas: While you are not required to include a visual aid in the final presentation, you will discuss what types of visual might be appropriate for your speech.
I will attach fundamental 3 that was created by another writer. I think it’s in sequence to that.
The last assignment is related to fundamental worksheet 4: It’s a speech that needs to be made verbatim,
Assignment Requirements:
Run through your speech as if it is the final version (see the rubric for all required elements)
Follow the delivery guidelines
Follow the speaking outline from Fundamentals Worksheet #4
Include all sections of your speech, including an introduction, the body, and a conclusion.
Clear description of the problem and explanation of the solution.
Please let me know if you have any questions.