The topic for this project will be gym culture(lifting weights in the gym). The
The topic for this project will be gym culture(lifting weights in the gym). The 3 main key points for this will be #1 the role social media influencers play in influencing the way people workout, eat, supplements they take etc… #2 The role performance enhancing drugs play in the gym and #3 will be left up to you to decide. Follow this prompt from my professor and note that I will include the examples for the power point and outline in separate files, for the outline I need you to use the same formatting as in the example so you can just delete the words but keep the bullet points and layout how it is: Interpersonal-Cultural Informative Project
The Interpersonal-Cultural Informative Project is worth 200 points broken down into three sections: a 2-3 page outline (25points),
an outline example is posted on Canvas under the “activities section”, a 8-12 slide PowerPoint (25 points), a PowerPoint example is
posted on Canvas under the “activities section”, and a 5-6 minute in class presentation (150points).
Topic: The topic for the Interpersonal-Cultural Informative Project is to “inform the audience about a culture” of your choice.
Cultures can countries, but also hobbies or interests that people share, such as the culture of a sports team, music group, tv show,
product, fashion brands, tattoo culture, graffiti art culture, dance, etc. Cultures can also be the people and their values, traditions,
music, clothing, language, etc. that they share. The culture is not just the physical object or people themselves, but the effect they
have on you and others. Make sure when choosing your cultural topic, that you can break the topic down into three (3) main key
points. For example, if choosing to do “The People and Culture of El Salvador”, you could then choose the key points of the history,
culture, and food of El Salvador. An example of the -Cultural Informative Project Outline and PowerPoint has also been posted online
for your review and inspiration (Posted as Outline EXAMPLE and PowerPoint EXAMPLE online on Canvas under the “activities
Outline File (25 points): A 2-3page outline with 1inch margins, times new roman 12pt font, single spaced format should be created.
An example of the outline format is posted online named (Outline EXAMPLE). Your outline should follow the same format as the
sample outline. Each outline should include: Your Name, The Class Information, A Title, A Specific Purpose (To Inform the Audience
About a Culture) on top. The outline should consist of an Introduction, Key Point 1, Key Point 2, Key Point 3, and a Conclusion. The
outline should end with a Reference Page with at least five (5) references in alphabetical order. The references can be online
websites; be sure to put the name of the website, the website link, and the date you researched the website. You can find examples
of this format in the (Outline EXAMPLE) online on Canvas under the “activities section”. The Outline will be graded on information
researched, length, quality of writing, inclusion of at least five (5) references, flow of information, and format as discussed above.
PowerPoint File (25 points): A 8-12 slide PowerPoint File will be created that follows the introduction, key point 1, key point 2, key
point 3, and conclusion that was researched in the outline. You can be creative with the PowerPoint colors, transitions, pictures, and
themes to match your cultural topic. An example PowerPoint is posted online named (PowerPoint EXAMPLE) on Canvas under the
“activities section”. The PowerPoint will be graded on creativity, flow of information, information researched, cohesiveness, and
format quality (8-12 creative slides).
5-6 Minute In Class Presentation (150 points): After creating the Outline and PowerPoint, students will prepare a 5-6 minute in class
presentation while showing their PowerPoint. You can find your specific speaking date on the back of this handout. Presentations
will be graded with the following criteria broken down into: effective eye contact, hand gesture use, facial expressions,
conversational paralanguage (tone, pitch, volume, rate, inflections, etc.), management of time limit (5-6 minutes), limited note
referencing, body posture (limit fidgeting, hands in pockets, nervous movements, etc.), preparedness (avoiding uhm, like, stuff,
mispronouncing words), following the researched intro, three (3) key points, conclusion as prepared in outline, energy and passion
for your topic, and if the presentation is informative, creative, and presented in a flowing, clear, and thoughtful manner. For this
presentation, there is no specific dress code or points for style of dress; wear something comfortable and that helps build confidence
for yourself.