TITLE: (TP 03) Theme Paper 03: Contemporary Diversity Issue DUE DATE: The goal f

TITLE: (TP 03) Theme Paper 03: Contemporary Diversity Issue
DUE DATE: The goal f

TITLE: (TP 03) Theme Paper 03: Contemporary Diversity Issue
DUE DATE: The goal for this week is for you to complete your research and outline your paper. Next week, the Sunday after after Thanksgiving, you will turn in your Theme Paper 03. You have two weeks, inclusive of Thanksgiving, to work on this assignment. Ideally, you will do your research this week, and then complete your write-up during Monday through Wednesday, November 25, 26, and 27. However, the assignment will not close until Wednesday, December 04 due to your standard three-day grace period.
GOAL OF YOUR THEME PAPER: The goal of your Theme Paper 03 is to pick a contemporary issue surrounding a topic related to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) and then analyze your issue from an OBJECTIVE perspective using the sociological tools you learned this semester. Specifically, you will explore your issue from both a progressive (social construction) perspective and a conservative (essentialist) perspective. You will conclude your Theme Paper 03 by offering your informed position based on your research.
RESEARCH: You will need to find a minimum of four (4) sources covering your topic of interest. These sources can be websites, blogs, newspaper articles, television news broadcasts, and so forth. Make sure that your sources are from well-known and respected sources. AVOID “fake news” and conspiracy outlets.
BALANCED! Your sources must be balanced! One-half of your sources (n = 2) must come from a conservative/essentialist (right-wing) leaning organizations and one-half of your sources (n = 2) must come a processive/social constructionism (left-wing) leaning organizations. Do your very best to get your 4 sources from 4 different organizations.
CONSERVATIVE (RIGHT-WING) LEANING NEWS ORGANIZATIONS: Below is is a list of conservative (right-wing) news organizations.
FOX News
Newsmax TV
The Blaze TV
The New York Post
The Wall Street Journal
The Federalist
Just the News
The Washington Examiner
Liberty Nation
The Washington Times
The National Review
PROGRESSIVE (LEFT-WING) LEANING NEWS ORGANIZATIONS: Below is a list of progressive (left-wing) leaning news organizations.
The New York Times
The Huffington Post
The Slate
The Atlantic
The NewYorker
The Daily Beast
SAMPLE TOPICS: Below is a list of sample topics. Feel free to select one of the topics listed below or select your own. Just make sure that your topic is tied to a diversity issue. If you have any concerns about your topic, please reach out to me. Use the Internet to help you narrow the topics down. For example, you can explore transgender athletes participation in organized sports, President Biden’s Executive Order to eliminate up to $20,000 in student debt per student, and Governor DeSantis’ elimination of DEI programs in the State of Florida. This is just the “tip of the iceberg” of the topics that you can explore. My Suggestion: It would be a really good idea to run your topic by me BEFORE you get started.
Voting Rights
Refugee Crisis
Racial Injustice
Income Gap
Gun Violence
Book Banning in Schools
Wage Inequality
Student Debt
Political Extremism
FORMAT OF YOUR THEME PAPER 03: Theme Paper 03 will not have a set number of pages, per se. Rather, you will write your Theme Paper 03 in sections. Use the format below to organize your paper. Use the headings in bold.
Introduction: This will be a short, 2 or 3 sentence paragraph where you describe what your paper is about. Keep it short! You will provide the details in the body of your paper.
Your Diversity Issue: In this section, explain your diversity issue as objectively as you can. Stick to the facts as best as you can. Try to keep this section to no more than 2 academic paragraphs (1 paragraph is about 6-8 sentences).
Essentialism: In this section, explain the essentialist perspective. Feel free to borrow information from your assignment on this topic earlier in the semester. Keep this section to no more than 2 academic paragraphs (1 paragraph is about 6-8 sentences).
Social Constructionism: In this section, explain the social constructionist perspective. Feel free to borrow information from your assignment on this topic earlier in the semester. Keep this section to no more than 2 academic paragraphs (1 paragraph is about 6-8 sentences).
Exploration and Analysis: In this section, you will describe how the essentialist and the social constructionist perspectives account (or explain) your diversity issue. You will need to use your evidence to make your point. This section should require no more than 2 longer paragraphs, one for each viewpoint.
Your Thoughts: Summarize your thoughts on the issue. Take the emotion out of your position and try to state logical reasoning for your viewpoint. If both sides make good points, then say it! But provide a logical account of your reasoning. Do your best to limit this section to no more than 2 academic paragraphs (1 paragraph is about 6-8 sentences).one paragraph. If you get mad and need some more space, that is is fine.
Your Sources: List your sources.
TIME REQUIRED: In total, this assignment should require approximately several days to complete. You will need significant time to find and research your topic and up to about four (4) hours to write your theme paper.
HOW TO TURN IN YOUR THEME PAPER: There will be a drop box in Week/Module 14. You may upload your paper in Microsoft Word or PDF format. Please do NOT post a Google Docs link. You may write your paper in Google Docs, but you will need to save you paper as a PDF file BEFORE you upload it to the Drop Box.


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