Use one of the following approaches to analyze a television series listed below.
Use one of the following approaches to analyze a television series listed below. You may choose to narrow your focus to one season or to a particular theme. You may work alone, or in a group of up to three students. If you work in a group, everyone in the group will receive the same grade on the paper.
You must identify a research question that you will then answer in your essay. This question must be approved in advance. Then you will systematically answer your question by a close examination of the media text(s), using a media analysis technique from our course.
Approaches you may draw on: authorship, narratology/storytelling, sound/music analysis, genre, or acting/performance (others by prior permission only)
Series you may draw on that we explored in class: Handmaid’s Tale (season 1 preferred); Hacks; Abbot Elementary; The Bear; Reboot. Other topics can be approved, but you must discuss and get prior approval, and you must make a case as to why you strongly wish to use them. They must be produced within the past 8 years, & readily/easily available on commercial streaming services. If you wrote about the series in your first short essay, you must choose different episodes or an entirely different aspect to write about.
You will have to watch more than episode in order to write this paper. Make sure you provide a close reading of the media text, using the appropriate terminology, proving to me that you understand the key concepts discussed in the reading and in classroom discussions and in the lecture notes.
You must refer to and properly cite the relevant reading from our textbook. You must also cite media that you watch/draw on, and any supplemental sources of factual information. Works cited should be in MLA format, alphabetized, and in a separate page at the end of your essay.