we need to search of 3-4 articles about (Employees or healthcare staffs satisf
we need to search of 3-4 articles about (Employees or healthcare staffs satisfaction /feedback about mystery shopper)
so either the paper talking about employee, staff, healthcare practitioner, and so on. the point that the researcher did their research in healthcare sitting and they survey, interview, used focused group , or other methodologies to gather or collect the opinion, feed back, or satisfaction rate or perception about the Mystery shopper.
so for example more explanation, usually the high authority aske the mystery shopper their opinion about the healthcare sitting they visited, BUT what we want is the revers that the high authority (example) they ask the staff about their opinion of the performance of the mystery shopper they visited their healthcare sitting.
Note: 1.(when we said authority its just example, it can be manager, administration or even non and the researcher decide by them self to do the research).
2.(healthcare sitting can be hospital, primary healthcare center, one day surgery care center, polyclinic, and so on).
3. its important to use Boolean operation method when search for the topic and i need what you wrote exactly in the search engine which show you the article. you can use more than one Boolean statement and i need all the statements you used to find those articles.
please be sure the articles is relevant to the topic and explained above. please don’t send me unreverent paper.