Write a 1-2 page reflection on the Personal Effectiveness and Professional Ident

Write a 1-2 page reflection on the Personal Effectiveness and Professional Ident

Write a 1-2 page reflection on the Personal Effectiveness and Professional Identity domain of the Professional Development Framework and then upload it to ePortfolio.
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Becoming a DBA graduate requires thinking about where you are and where you want to go. The Professional Development Framework can help you focus your reflections and evaluate your thoughts on your professional identity and personal effectiveness. This assessment will help guide your reflections.
You will complete this assessment in your Professional Development Journal [DOCX]. You will turn in the entire template with this completed assessment.
The Professional Development Framework is a resource you will use to reflect on key areas of professional development as you progress through the DBA program. The framework contains four key domains of development: (a) Knowledge and Scholarly Thinking, (b) Advocate for Change, (c) Personal Effectiveness and Professional Identity, and (d) Applied Research Competencies. As the course ends, provide your reflective thoughts regarding the Personal Effectiveness and Professional Identity domain.
If you have not completed the Knowledge and Scholarly Thinking or the Advocate for Change domain of your Professional Development Framework, please complete those parts of your framework as well.
If you would like to review the framework, see the following:
• DBA Professional Development Framework Guide [PDF].
• DBA Professional Development Framework.
Review the DBA Professional Development Framework Guide [PDF]. In a 1–2 page paper (within the Professional Development Journal [DOCX]), continue to develop your Professional Development Framework, responding to the following questions related to the Personal Effectiveness and Professional Identity domain:
1. What do you think is your potential for growth in the Personal Effectiveness and Professional Identity domain?
2. Which 2–3 subdomains would you like to develop further? This can include subdomains not listed in the DBA Professional Development Framework Guide.
3. What are a few specific goals for these subdomains?
o What is your plan for achieving these goals?
o What strategies will you use to stay motivated to achieve your goals?
4. How will you further develop resilience to remain highly productive in stressful, demanding situations that may be expected of you as a DBA holder in the workplace?
5. Has your framework plan been featured in any of your discussions with your informal contact network? If so, how? If not, why?
6. How has your professional development framework influenced how you perceive yourself?
7. How would you briefly describe your subdomains and goals in the Personal Effectiveness and Professional Identity text box of the framework chart you started in previous courses?
When you have completed your reflection:
• Save the Professional Development Journal to your ePortfolio. Note for ePortfolio Links: Refer to the Capella Microsoft OneDrive ePortfolio Job Aid [PDF] for information about sharing your ePortfolio.
• Submit the journal in this assessment.
Additional Requirements
Be sure your assessment meets the following guidelines:
• Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
• Tone: This framework is an opportunity for you to share your story and goals. For this reason, you may write this assessment in the first-person perspective (I, me).
• Scholarship: You are welcome to include scholarly or professionally reputable practitioner sources to support your main points and analysis, but none are required.
• APA formatting: All resources and citations should be formatted according to current APA style and formatting guidelines. The APA Module can help with that.
• Length: 1–2 typed, double-spaced pages within the Professional Development Journal [DOCX].
• Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:
• Competency 1: Write clear and concise abbreviated project technique sections, which are valid and meaningful to leadership professionals.
o Reflect on how the Professional Development Framework has influenced self-perceptions.
• Competency 5: Reflect on appropriate responses to increasingly complex project topics in leadership using independent critical thinking skills.
o Reflect on potential for growth in this domain.
o Select subdomains to be developed.
o Create goals for professional development in this domain.
o Create a plan for achieving goals.
o Reflect on how to further develop resilience in stressful and demanding situations.
o Reflect on use of the development framework in interactions with informal contact network.


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